I'm learning not to let things build up to the point of feeling overwhelmed because my brain can easily go off line if I do. Then I'm no good to anyone. One thing that has helped me get a handle on life is having a to-do list. Here are some tips (some of which I learned the hard way):
- Keep all your tasks in one location. (You may be tempted to jot down notes on scraps of paper, but fight the urge. I use a Franklin-Covey planner, for my personal tasks and Outlook at work.)
- Break large/complex projects into bite-sized tasks.
- Consult your list throughout the day (Just because you wrote it down at 9 am doesn't mean you'll remember at 3 pm. Don't "set it and forget it".)
- Be conservative with estimating how much you can accomplish each day. (It's disheartening to have 20 things listed and only 5 checked off.)
- There's nothing more satisfying than checking off or crossing out an item on your list. Be proud of your accomplishment!
For more information about using to-do lists effectively, check out Tackling To-Do Lists with ADHD: Combat adult ADHD by using this time-management system to turn your stagnant to-do list into a daily action plan (ADDitude Magazine).