
Friday, April 15, 2011

Great Resources for Saving Money & Getting Organized

As you've probably guessed it, I'm a lover of all things organized.  I just got into couponing thanks to my cousin-in-law, Erin (is that even a real term?), so of course I had to get my coupons organized.  In the process, I've come across some great resources for learning to coupon and just organizing in general.  You know me -- when I learn something cool, I want to share it with everyone.  I guess that's just the teacher in me.  So here are just a few:
  • All You Magazine: A great place to find tips to organization, saving time, and living frugally while still enjoying life to the fullest.  I love how many "normal" ladies they feature.  Plus this a great place to find manufacturer's coupons.  The most recent issue had over $70 in savings
  • Raining Hot Coupons: The first website I visited when I wanted to learn about coupons.  She has lots of videos teaching newbies the ropes, and she matches up weekly sales with coupons for you.
  • The Krazy Coupon Lady: Another great place to start with tips for beginners to advanced couponers.  Another good place to find weekly sales matched up with coupons.  If you're a fan of the TLC show Extreme Couponing, one of the founders of this site was on the show.
  • Swagbucks: You earn "swagbucks" for web searches, playing games, and even printing and using their free coupons.  Once you get enough points, you can redeem them for cool stuff, gift cards, or even a cash deposit into your Paypal account.  Sweet!