
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lost and Found

My household is full of folks who could lose their heads if they weren't attached.  Here're a few examples.  Our daughter constantly loses thing: her scissors, her crayons, the microscopic clothes for Barbie, and most recently her SHOES!  My husband is slightly better: he only occasionally loses his cell phone, keys, or WEDDING RING.  Lest you think I'm singling them out, I've been know to lose the glasses on my face and even the baby's pacifier in my hand.  Aren't we a motley crew?

Thankfully, I read some great tips in ADDitude Magazine and realized I'm not crazy (or even unusual) in the ADD community.  Losing things just goes with the territory.  But the article had some great tips about how to make life easier for yourself such as:
  • Give everything it's own specific place.  (For me, if I don't drop my keys in the basket by the door or plug my cell phone in on my nightstand, I'll spend 15 minutes the next morning looking for them).
  • Use the trash can liberally.  (How can you find the important stuff if it's buried beneath a bunch of junk?)
  • Ask for help.  (Clearly my family is ADD-challenged when it comes to finding things.  A system is only great if everyone's on board.  And when things go MIA -- and they surely will -- recruit everyone for your search party.)

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